Sunday, June 22, 2008

Microsoft is dangerous and always kicks off in Style!

Microsoft rocks! Microsoft works very hard and we hardly believe what is happening with Microsoft these days!

Microsoft buys Sidekick maker, Danger. Its here at REDMOND, Washington, U.S. on Feb. 11, 2008, Microsoft Corp. announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Danger Inc., the company responsible for the software and services powering many popular consumer handsets.

OMG, Microsoft is dangerous!

Danger is a Palo-Alto, California-based software-as-a-service company that provides mobile operators with an integrated end-to-end solution to deliver mobile data and Internet services to their subscribers.

Danger has connected with a customer base that is young and enthusiastic, Internet-savvy and socially inclined. The Danger team has a deep understanding of consumers and a hold on what people want from mobility, making it an ideal group to work with in delivering connected experiences.

Adding Danger to the Entertainment and Devices Division will provide Microsoft with additional assets and resources that will accelerate the company's entry into the consumer space and complement the company's focus on delivering innovative technologies and services that connect people's entertainment and information.

See some cool sidekick's reviews at the video below:

Mobile Experience: Through focused efforts Danger has successfully delivered a software and services platform to the mobile mass market. Applications on Danger-powered handsets include HTML Web browsing, instant messaging, games, multimedia, social networking, Web e-mail and personal information management applications.

Can anyone forget yet another side-kick from Microsoft by being in news recently to acquire Yahoo?!! Hmmm, unbelievable stunts by the Master!

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