Friday, June 13, 2008

Amazing Flexible Car: BMW's Gina!

We are not born with clothes; but BMW's Light Visionary Car 'Gina' is! The Gina has outer skin, a flexible cloth cover that stretches across a moveable car structure.

BMW Group Design engineers have an exta-ordinary idea in their mind called GINA (Geometry and Functions In "N" Adaptions) principle which lets the engineers' innovative thinking to reach any heights by allowing maximum freedom of creativity!

GINA produces unbelievable solutions that affect the functionality and design of our future cars. The GINA Light Visionary Model Car is an unbelievable expression of awesome concept which provide an example of the engineers' thoughts. BMW Group Design is happy to explore the creative freedom it is offering them and the extent the users will feel happy about using it! They're absolutely not interested in answering the question of how the car of the future will look!

Since Gina drapes a flexible fabric over a kinda moveable 'wire-mesh-frame', creating a smooth seamless surface, this alters its form at the whim of the driver. If you feel frisky any time, just raise the tail like an angry tiger and bulge the fenders as if you are injecting them with steroids and thus reshaping the sides of the car! Now, you've just transformed Gina from a sleek roady into an roaring racer! :P

At last, a cool trailer of BMW's Gina:

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